As the weather grows colder and the leaves begin to fall, you’ll need to do some work to prepare your yard for winter. Fall cleanups will make your yard look better as the season progresses and help give you a head start next spring.

What Does A Fall Cleanup Entail?

Fall cleanups cover all aspects of routine lawn care, as well as items specific to the season. In addition to begin to cut your lawn shorter and planting mums and other seasonal annuals, fertilizer will be put down to encourage your grass to grow back lush and even in the spring. Branches will be pruned and cut back to protect the tree throughout the winter. Mulch will be applied around your plants to prevent weed growth. Fallen leaves will be raked, gathered and composted.

Why Should I Clean Up My Yard?

Removing debris from your yard and getting your landscaping in order in the fall can have many benefits for your yard. When left in place over the winter, debris can become more compact, pressing down on the grass and depleting it of necessary oxygen and nutrients. This will cause the grass to suffocate and lead to patchy areas. Cleaning up debris will give you room to aerate your grass and allow it to grow back healthy in the spring. Leftover debris can also contaminate your soil, causing healthy plants to become infected over time.


If you are looking for help with your yard cleanups this fall, contact Rony’s Landscaping today! We will provide a quote for cleanup, planting and aerating your yard. Contact Rony’s Landscaping by calling 978-398-8307 or by filling out our online contact form.